Coverage of medical costs


In order for the costs of the artificial nutrition to be covered by the basic insurance coverage provided by health insurance or by the Swiss disability insurance (IV) providers, certain medical indications need to be present.

If the patient's medical costs can be covered, we will settle the costs directly with the health insurance or the responsible disability insurance providers to reduce the administrative workload of the patient and their relatives.


From 1 October 2022, a new reimbursement option for thickeners will be available through basic health insurance. This means that we can invoice the cost of thickeners* directly to the basic health insurance company if a doctor's prescription is available. We recommend that you enclose this with your enrolment/order so that the invoice can be sent directly to your basic insurance company.

*This applies to thickeners from all manufacturers/brands. There is a cost price for sachets

Direct settlement with the health insurance providers