What we offer

HomeCare means providing care in the patient’s familiar and comfortable home environment. We take all the necessary steps to enable artificial feeding to be provided at home.
We also supply patients across Switzerland who require oral food supplements. Anyone who needs a regular supply of their medication, particularly specialist solutions, can obtain them easily through our “in-house” pharmacy.
An overview of our service areas:

As a product-neutral company, in addition to a variety enrichment powders and thickeners, we carry a range of over 80 different sip feed products from various manufacturers which we supply to our customers across Switzerland. Sip feed products provide additional energy and protein to ensure that all the patients nutritional requirements are covered.
We facilitate the transfer of patients undergoing enteral or parenteral feeding from the hospital to their home or to an institution and act as a link between the hospital and the person or institution providing the outpatient care. We carry out training courses on how to manage the artificial nutrition and supply the necessary material. If needed, we also provide nutritional follow-up care.
If pain therapy, infusion therapy or treatment with antibiotics is prescribed, our nursing staff will ensure the supply of the materials and will train of the people involved in their administration. In such cases, we cooperate closely with our pharmacy.
We hold a wide range of different products that can be used to help treat metabolic disorders. You can order them directly through our web shop.
Ostomy care materials are available from us when prescribed by your doctor, and we will be happy to advise you on the choice of material.
Our pharmacy team takes care of consultations regarding individual therapy with medical products in cooperation with the prescribing doctors. We can also obtain specialist products for you upon request.
- 50 HomeCare employees ensures that everything runs smoothly
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