
With our experience and dedication, we are fully committed to consistently improving the quality of our products.
These days, many people think that products are always high-quality, but this isn't necessarily always the case! Ensuring the high quality of our products in every stage of their manufacturing, storage delivery, and in terms of the organisation, personnel and infrastructure, requires considerable know-how, precision and attention to detail with new investments in technology and knowledge continuously being made.

Our quality control department carries out a large number of chemical and microbiological analyses each day to check finished goods, raw materials and packaging materials. We use a wide range of analysis devices, such as HPLC, atomic absorption spectrometers, UV/Vis spectrometers and infrared spectrometers. We have a 25°C and 40°C stability chamber at our disposal that we use to determine the shelf life of new products.
Our quality assurance system is based on ICH Q10m and is regularly inspected by auditors from Swissmedic and GESKES. We have manufacturing authorisations and GMP certificates for medicinal products. Our pharmacy is certified with the ISAS QMS-Pharma Label.
Please ensure that empty plastic and glass containers are recycled correctly and in a resource-conserving way. Become a member of KEIS too.
We are committed to working in an energy efficient way and to protecting the climate.
- We complete several chemical and microbiological analyses each day
- Analyses